to feel...

Wellness With Ms. Wolf tailors holistic professional development programs to meet every educator's unique needs

research-backed methods

each program uses 


Empower educators with tools for managing and reducing stress with an individualized approach that tends to the health of the mind AND body

Improve educators' job satisfaction, sense of motivation, and overall wellbeing in order to positively affect teacher retention rates 

Positively impact classroom culture and student well-being by addressing educator needs and preventing/recovering from burnout on a 1:1 basis


• they felt more calm & focused after a WWMW workshop

• they felt more prepared & inspired to focus on self care
  after a WWMW workshop

• they'd recommend this workshop to other educators


of educators


we have a 


We believe in enhancing the holistic well-being of educators by providing 1:1 support and professional development centered on trauma-informed methods that tend to the body and mind in order to create a more thriving school environment

trauma-informed approach

Meet Ms. Wolf

Nicole Quintana-Wolf, former high school teacher of 5+ years, went from burn-out to balance, and experienced what a profoundly positive effect this had on her students’ growth as well.

Now she’s passionate about empowering fellow educators with the tools to do the same. 

-angel Bookal

"After long and hectic days, Nicole was often called upon to open our after school professional development workshops and meetings to assist a group of 50 or more adults in centering and preparing ourselves for learning or collaboration. I equate those moments to power naps which reinvigorated my mind, body, and spirit."

Assistant Principal,
Bronx Envision Academy

-Thea Reyes

“I felt burnt out from the pandemic. I was in a bad place mentally, physically, and emotionally. After working with Nicole, I feel in such a great place—I feel so much joy, contentment, and gratitude in my everyday life. I noticed I become less triggered about things that used to upset me, and I have a much deeper connection to myself than I’ve had in my entire life.”

College Counselor,
University of Central Florida

-Professor Kim Samocki

“I LOVED the meditation. Nicole’s voice is so soothing and enabled me to focus much more than other meditations. Meditating is usually hard for me, but it wasn’t hard today, and I feel so good about that.” 

Full Sail University